Sarah S.

Image of Sarah S.

Sarah is a HubSpot Production Specialist at Inbound Back Office. Sarah has over 7 years of experience helping clients build inbound marketing programs and design website and branding materials. She comes from a HubSpot Platinum Agency. Sarah has worked within many marketing platforms, but HubSpot is by far her favorite. She even owns stock in HubSpot and has over 10 HubSpot certifications.

Sarah graduated from Franklin College in 2013 with degrees in English and Journalism and a minor in Creative Writing. After working as a reporter out of college, Sarah became a content marketer. With expertise in web, content and design, Sarah knows how to create engaging web campaigns that tell a story and grab your target audience’s attention.

When she’s not working on HubSpot projects, Sarah loves to travel and be outdoors. From Cape Town, South Africa to Costa Rica, Sarah has fueled her creative and web projects while crossing countries off her bucket list. 


  • HubSpot Projects
  • Graphic Design and UX Design
  • Content and Copywriting
  • Branding