E194: Being Your Authentic Self on LinkedIn (HyperSocial)
July 23, 2021
Take a look at your most recent LinkedIn post. Is it truly you or is it a little bit fake?
Take a look at your most recent LinkedIn post. Is it truly you or is it a little bit fake?
C'mon, be honest.
If you're thinking you could have been a bit more real in that post, listen up! Braden Wallake of Hypersocial is here to tell you why and how to be your authentic self on LinkedIn!
In this episode, you'll learn:
- Why LinkedIn is the best platform for B2B companies
- Why being authentic is the only way to go
- The best way to connect with your audience
- The #1 account you should be following on LinkedIn (hint: it's Braden's DOG)
Don't miss out on this awesome and super fun episode!
Resources mentioned in the show:
- Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon
- Show Your Work by Austin Kleon