E327 - Using Identity Aligned Branding to Move Out of Imposter Syndrome (Laura Hulleman, Creator/Owner of the Endotype Branding System)
February 6, 2024
On today's episode, we have Laura B. Hulleman, Creator / Owner of the Endotype Branding system, to share how identity-aligned branding is the simplest tool to move small business owners out of imposter syndrome.
Have you ever had that moment with a client when you nailed their branding, and they said, "That's me!"
It's an amazing moment, but not all clients get that experience. That is why today's podcast guest created a simple system to help brands and small business owners really understand their brand and get that moment.
Then, they can move out of imposter syndrome because they are confident in who they are as a company and brand.
On today's podcast, we have Laura B. Hulleman, Creator / Owner of the Endotype Branding system, to share how identity-aligned branding is the simplest tool to move small business owners out of imposter syndrome.
Laura Hulleman is the creator of the Endotype Formula, Endotype Branding System, best-selling author, and host of the Raving Coaches podcast. She is a powerful truth teller with a superpower to help people believe that being themselves as they are designed is more than enough. Once a person is grounded in their identity, they can begin to operate from their zone of genius and experience more peace every day.
Laura spent years researching and recognizing the patterns that created the Endotype Formula, the most comprehensive and advanced personality assessment available at this time. Right now she takes coaches and entrepreneurs on an adventure into their Endotype Formula to improve their businesses, embody their brand identity, and attract their ideal clientele.
She and her two boys live in a tree house in Wisconsin where they enjoy cozy fires in the winter and camping, fishing and kayaking all summer long.
Laura covers:
- Impostor syndrome in small businesses. 4:22
- Branding and marketing for small businesses. 9:17
- Embracing imperfections in business and marketing. 16:45
- Revealing identity in branding. 22:14
- Branding and coaching with Laura. 26:24
You can find Laura at Endotype Formula or Endotype Branding and on socials:
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